This year's Tokyo Pack, will mark the introduction of Ecolean's lighter approach to packaging on the Japanese market, as well as the market launch of the highly anticipated on-the-go package Ecolean® Air Aseptic 125ml.
In addition to the launch of the new Ecolean® Air Aseptic 125ml, visitors at Tokyo Pack, the Tokyo International Packaging Exhibition taking place 4-7th October, will have the opportunity to experience first-hand the many added values of Ecolean's approach to packaging – ease of use, shelf differentiation and minimal impact on the environment.
"Japanese consumers are defined by their early adoption of innovation, which is why Tokyo Pack is the perfect venue for us to introduce our unique packaging solutions, not the least our brand new 125ml Ecolean® Air Aseptic," says Johnny Sajland, Regional Director Ecolean Asia North and Oceania.
At Tokyo Pack, Ecolean will present the company's comprehensive range of packages for ambient and chilled distribution. Visitors will be invited to step into "a Lighter Store" and experience products from all over the world distributed in Ecolean's innovative packaging solutions. Focus will also be directed to Ecolean's true systems approach that considerably reduces complexity at customer production sites.
Ecolean will host a seminar on 7 October at 2pm-2.30pm (at seminar stage 2 in East Hall 6), entitled "Introduction to Ecolean" with Johnny Sajland - Regional Director Asia North and Oceania and Tomoaki Minoura - Sales, Manager Japan.
Please visit us at Tokyo Pack at stand 03 in Exhibit Hall 2.
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- Ecolean® Air Aseptic 125
About Tokyo Pack
The four-day event Tokyo Pack will take place at the Tokyo Big Sight in Tokyo, Japan from 4 – 7th October 2016. 70,000 visitors are expected to attend, making Tokyo Pack Asia’s premier packaging exhibition.
About Ecolean Japan
Ecolean has maintained a presence in the Japanese market since 2015 – with an office in the Minato City district of central Tokyo. The office in Japan covers Ecolean’s marketing activities in Japan and Oceania.