
Compilation - General

PurposeCategories of personal dataLegal basisRetention period
In order to be able to send you newslettersE-mailConsentUntil you unsubscribe
To be able to contact and communicate with you at your shown interest and on questions submitted through the general interest formName
Position / Title
Telephone number
ConsentDuring the case management, and thereafter if you are registered as a customer or supplier to Ecolean
To be able to contact and communicate with you after an expression of interest at a trade fair or eventName
Position / Title
Telephone number
(Business card information)
Balancing testAs long as the personal data is of relevance and you have not refused our processing
To be able to facilitate customer support and manage your registered issues or questionsEmail
Other personal data which you might provide with such contact
Balancing testDuring the management of the case
To be able to facilitate your questions and correspondence through e-mail to Ecolean's employeesE-mail
Other personal data which you might provide at such contact
Balancing testDuring the management of the case
To invite you to eventsName
Allergies (in some cases)
Legal obligation
Up until the event, and thereafter by the financial department up to seven years pursuant to a legal obligation (the Swedish Accounting Act)
To conduct market analysisIP-address
ConscentAs long as the personal data is of relevance, legal conscent has been given, and you have not refused the processing
To conduct market surveysE-mailConscentAs long as the personal data is of relevance, legal consent has been given, and you have not refused the processing
At usage of the website in order to able to follow how the website is used by interested personsIP-address
ConscentAs long as the personal data is of relevance and legal conscent has been given

Compilation - Customers

PurposeCategories of personal dataLegal basisRetention period
To register you as the customer’s contact personName
Telephone number
Balancing testAs long as you hold the specific position which is of relevance for the communication, or as long as the agreement is valid
To communicate with you regarding the agreementName
Telephone number
Fulfilment of the agreement
Balancing test
As long as you hold the specific position which is of relevance for the communication, or as long as the agreement is valid

Your personal data will be stored as long as needed if it is needed as proof during the guarantee period of the agreement, or as long as a claim can be filed under the agreement
To be able to facilitate customer support and manage your registered issues or questionsName
Telephone number
Fulfilment of the agreement
Balancing test
As long as you hold the specific position which is of relevance for the communication, or as long as the agreement is valid

Your details may be saved in case it may be required as proof during the guarantee period for the agreement
To execute and send invoices on which you are reference personName
Telephone number
Fulfilment of the agreement
Balancing test
Legal obligation
As long as you hold the specific position which is of relevance for the communication, or as long as the agreement is valid

Your details may be saved in the event it may be needed as proof during the guarantee period for the agreement, or as long as a claim can be filed under the agreement

Further, your personal data may be stored up to seven years due to a legal obligation (the Swedish Accounting Act)
To send invites to eventsName
Balancing test
Legal obligation
Up until the event, and thereafter by the financial department up to seven years due to a legal obligation (the Swedish Accounting Act)
To conduct market surveys, e.g. examine the customer satisfactionE-mailBalancing testAs long as the personal data is of relevance and you have not refused the processing
To be able to send invoices to sole proprietorsPersonal identity numberConscentDuring the time our customer relationship is ongoing and in accordance with applicable statute of limitations rules

Compilation - Suppliers

PurposeCategories of personal dataLegal basisRetention period
To register you as the supplier’s contact personName
Telephone number
Balancing testAs long as you hold the specific position which is of relevance for the communication, or as long as the agreement is valid
To communicate with you regarding the agreementName
Telephone number
Fulfilment of the agreement
Balancing test
As long as you hold the specific position which is of relevance for the communication, or as long as the agreement is valid

Your personal data will be stored as long as needed if it is needed as proof during the guarantee period of the agreement, or as long as a claim can be filed under the agreement
To be able to facilitate customer support and manage your registered issue and questionsName
Telephone number
Fulfilment of the agreement
Balancing test
As long as you hold the specific position which is of relevance for the communication, or as long as the agreement is valid

Your details may be saved in case it is required as proof during the guarantee period for the agreement
To execute and send invoices on which you are reference personName
Telephone number
Fulfilment of the agreement
Balancing test
Legal obligation
As long as you hold the specific position which is of relevance for the communication, or as long as the agreement is valid

Your details may be saved in the event it is needed as proof during the guarantee period for the agreement, or as long as a claim can be filed under the agreement

Further, your personal data may be stored up to seven years due to a legal obligation (the Swedish Accounting Act)
To send invites to eventsName
Balancing test
Legal obligation
Until the event, thereafter by the financial department due to legal obligations regarding archiving (the Swedish Accounting Act)
To conduct market surveys, e.g. examine the customer satisfactionE-mailBalancing testAs long as the personal data is of relevance and you have not refused the processing
To be able to send invoices to sole proprietorsPersonal identity numberConscentDuring the time our customer relationship is ongoing and in accordance with applicable statute of limitations rules

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